Alien Orders

Small notes on life in Northern Britain.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Dalguise hall. Hive of activity

Ewan & ross from the grim northern social playing at Dalguise hall last night. There is a huge infestation of bees in the hall but no-one got stung. Poor showing from the bees really. The bee man is coming to boot there arses out next week. Quite right, as this shiftless, lazy lot are an embarrassment to the insect world. Hopefully the hall will get wasps next year or giant earwigs. Proper beasties capable of restoring some insect pride and bringing the fear factor back. Bees, you had your chance, step aside and let a real insect through. Oh i should add that the gig was superb as always.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Gabba Gabba hay

Summers gone and bale jumpin' season is upon us. The debate of square Spittalfield bales versus round Dalguise bales rages on. Comments on your preferences welcome.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Tarzan boy

Ah the auld rope swing of Dalguise. The 2nd best rural equivalent to Alton Towers and a major contributor to population decline. Also the site of stupid dog's ongoing china syndrome experiment. Again not to be missed.

Clean mad

Last week some radge put a soapy substance into the fountain in Dunkeld. It bubbled up good style. A mindless act of vandalism or just good clean fun ? You decide.