Rust never sleeps

What to do on the first day of the school holidays when it's chuckin' it down.
Rational people would stay indoors with a good book or a DVD.
Alternatively find the muddiest, oiliest scrapyard and get wet and dirty.
No idea where this big bit of rusting machinery started life, but it has ended up in a field near Guildtown. Looks like the foot of a giant intergalactic ,transformer type, death robot.
Perthshire schools get 2 weeks "tattie holidays" in October, traditionally for getting all the bairns out working on the potato harvest. All done by machines now, but the kids still get the break, now renamed the "Nintendo holidays"
Good to see them out & about. A wee bit of rain never done anyone any harm, and as anyone out there who ever wandered about as a kid with their pockets laden with rusty "interesting" items found lying on building sites will testify, a tetanus jab is for wimps.
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