Alien Orders

Small notes on life in Northern Britain.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Bogey wonderland

Spittalfield funday. The bogey ride is "de rigeur" in the Perthshire social calender for those "in the Know".
A bogey is a skanky auld trailer towed by a tractor. The Spittly bogey ride comprises of loading a bogey with drunks and bairns and driving up a farm track at good speed. At 20p a go, it represents great value for money and is the rural equivalent of Alton Towers.
Trying to get a good photo whilst getting shoogled about is a real challenge to even the most gifted photographer. Losing an eye to a passing branch or bruising a kidney is probably easier.
Not to be missed, best 20p you will ever spend.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Grim Northern Social acoustic gig

Ewan MacFarlane from the band The Grim Northern Social playing an acoustic set at Greyfriars Bar in Perth on Sunday night.
A great night as always with Ewan on superb form. He brought young Ross Baxter, the bands new lead guitarist along to get a bit of extra rehersal in. Ross joined the band a few months ago and is having to learn fast. His playing is coming along great and he's relaxing into it better.
Ewan told me the band went down well at the Wickerman Festival last week playing to 700 people. They have support gigs for Starsailor and Inspiral Carpets coming up in August.
So good to see them back playing regular gigs agian.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


It's like full-on Mediteranean weather these days. Not like northern Scotland at all. Still I ain't complaining although the dog is finding it way too hot. He took this opportunity to cool off his nads earlier today.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Born stupid

Brainless dog looking for a lost contact lens in the river tay

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Joe strimmer

I fought the weeds and the weeds won

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


A summer night in spittly

Monday, July 17, 2006

Salmon dog

My "born stupid" dog chasing a leaping salmon in the River Braan. Hermitage. Perthshire
Enlarge image to see the tail of the fish as it makes good it's escape